
I would like to quickly ask all my followers if I should continue my Kidnapped by Stampy book? I would go back and edit all the chapters, because my writing style has advanced, and I would remove some of the later chapters and keep writing the story with more plot. 


I would like to quickly ask all my followers if I should continue my Kidnapped by Stampy book? I would go back and edit all the chapters, because my writing style has advanced, and I would remove some of the later chapters and keep writing the story with more plot. 


Hey guys! I know its been a while since my last update on any books, and I want to apologize. There has been a lot of stuff going on for me, and I'm not exactly sure what's happening for my Co either. I am planning on starting a new Viktuuri story pretty soon and that should be a pretty long, ongoing story. For everyone who followed me for Sqampy stuff, I'm sorry, but I have been out of the fandom for a long time, and was lying to myself for a while and forcing myself to keep writing even when I wasn't enjoying it. I might once in a while try to write some Sqampy stuff, because it doesn't matter who the characters are in my story as long as I enjoy writing. I hope you guys will stick around to see some of my newer stuff that I'm planning, or at least leave thinking my stories were good. Thanks to all my readers, and I can't believe my Kidnapped by Stampy book got over 5000 reads! I will try my best to make a story people can enjoy as much as they did that one. 
          Love and appreciate you all <3
          See you all next level


Hey guys. I haven't been posting lately. And I don't really have a reason. I just haven't been in the mood to write. I will try to come out with a new chapter of kidnapped by stampy soon. Feel free to message me ideas for where the story should go. 


Oh! Hi! I'm Silver! Me and Echo run a profile together called SilverandEcho! We like to try to add our names at the end so I doesn't get confusing! I'm the maker of Worthless by the way, Echo does the rest!


Oh! Thank you! Me and Echo appreciate it! The profile art is provided by me!


I love your profile art, and I am going to start reading your stories soon. ❤