️I don’t know who actually looks at this but we are officially in pride month. I feel like for a lot of people this is an amazing time, like people are getting together with friends and making plans and putting on makeup and clothes that show who they are and just having fun. But for those who can’t do that because they don’t have the money or mainly because they’re still sitting in that closet. (Like me) Some afraid, some just unsure of how it’s going to go and not taking the risk, and to others who were pushed back in there. Well I just wanted to say:
We’ll get through this and one day we will just be ourselves no matter what anyone says or thinks, and when that time comes you can bet your ass I’m going to have the absolute time of my life.
So don’t look at them and think “If only I could just...” Look outside and look at them and I want you to smile and think “I’m going to have that, I’m going to be down there no matter what anyone says or thinks.”️
Alrighty thanks for coming to my ted talk we’ll make it through another amazing pride month I know it.