Have you been getting any progress made on Enthralled by Emotion? (She asks innocently, casually booting her own "in progress" works aside to gather dust.)
Oooh, random story blurb? Fun! And rereading.... that can lead to writing, or it can lead to endless nitpicking... or that listless, 'I kinda sorta wanna write, but I also don't. Let's just read some more' Um, nope. Storm is still a WIP. There's 3 chapters of buffer left. (short chapters) I did finally write a little more of chapter 33 last night, though! Yes, I know I gotta get writing....!!!!! *ducks and covers*
@CEBronk ROFL. I have started to think about it. Wrote a couple pages on a random story blurb unrelated. So...starting to get into the right mindset! I am feeling the pull to reread, which will lead to writing (or so one would hope). So, is Storm completely done now or are we going to soon reach the point where we catch up to what is written? 'Cause you better get cracking if that's the case!