بوعدكم انو كل من يتابعني بردلوا المتابعه وكل من يزيل عني المتابعه بزيل المتابعه 
          	وشكرا لكل من نصحني ودعمني❤️


متابعه من طرف ام القوق عفيه حبابيننن اوفف ابوسكممم شنووو هل جماللله ماشاء اللله راح احسدكم تفف تففف بعين الحسود لكم شلون متحملين شايلين كل هل جمال


Hey thank you for Following, if you ever get a chance I released my first novel recently (Violet Eclipse), I'm currently looking for feedback on this first arc and hope that you and I can become friends as I continue to familiarize myself with this landscape.
          Adversely if you have anything to direct me too as far as your own work I'd be happy to take a look.
          have an awesome day!