My name? My name is rebeckah I'm 16 years old and in 5th year enough with the boring stuff.
I'm in a band and perfect relationship. I belong in two groups the "nerd group" and the "emo group"
No I don't cut but I'll say im not afraid of by battle scars. I am a white belt in taekwon do going for my yellow tag in june!

I'm a happy weirdo and my weirdness is influenced by my boyfriend sean! and my best friends in school :3 Karina, megi,christina,william,Aaron,Chris, luke brian, killian :L

I am a tomboy when it comes to certain thinks.. like manners and xbox and sitting down and yeah you get the picture..

I have 7 piercings 2 on my left ear 3 on my right ear and spider bites :3, I change my hair colour right now I have brown with ombré.

I love my ipd, phone and laptop mainly cause they contain all the songs i need to get through a really bad day or a good day and they hold the pictures to all the good memories i have.

My life had been messed up a few times by a few people not to mention by me, cause we all make mistakes.
my favorite subject in school is English and when I get to college I will be studying arts English and geography for secondary teaching :3

I read books my favorite books are
One hundred names
beautiful creatures series
Angel series

Charlie chaplin is amazing. "We think too much, and feel to little"

I write poems and stories , My poems on my page are very dark but I will be updating everything!

Music is my life and I cannot stress how much it personally means to me,I'd name the bands but you wouldnt care :P
Follow me on instagram; beckahinwonderland or beckybluee
follow me on twitter= _mccarthy_b
Facebook; beckahblah

Stay fab,

Beckah xo'
  • Cork
  • EntrouAugust 5, 2011

Última mensagem
Beckahblah Beckahblah May 19, 2012 12:40PM
@ThunderrXD Your welcome :3
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