
@secondGENESIS Thank you =P I spent about 2 hours trying to find the right font. >.<


@Beebel Well, it was definitely worth all the work; it's BLOODY FANTASTIC. :D
          BTW, I just uploaded a new story of mine called "I Guess Having Nothing Can Be Beautiful". I worked really hard on it, and practically spent the entire weekend writing it. ^^ It's my first sci-fi story, and I'd really love it if you could tell me your thoughts on it because it says in your profile that you love sci-fi stories.
          Here's the summary:
          The story takes place in post-apocalyptic times where much of humanity has been destroyed and there are only a few survivors. All that is left of the majority of the human race are the broken remnants of their era. However, life still goes on in this world where time seems to have stopped for all eternity...
          A few thousand survivors remain walking the wretched earth, and the planet has been overrun by terrifyingly bloodthirsty, demonic creatures simply called the Hunters. The Hunters ravage Earth, tearing apart any unlucky humans that cross their path, hungry for flesh. The survivors are terrified as the Hunters slowly slaughter them, one by one, and each one knows that their days are numbered until they too become a victim of the bloody massacre that will soon erase the human existence.
          The humans' only thread of hope lies in a legend telling of a being who will resurrect the Earth after its downfall. So while barely managing to escape the Hunters' grasps, the last humans desperately search the planet, hopelessly hoping to discover a savior.
          I'd really appreciate it!! :)


@Beebel Ehe... I get really passionate about I things I absolutely dread ^^ It's a bit of an odd thing about me.
          But I'm incredibly happy you find my stories well-written :) It really means alot to me. I'm always so OCD about finding that one thing I can get better at that I often forget about the big picture.
          And I agree with you about the emailing thing being so handy; my life is pretty hectic, so I find it incredibly convenient that I get emailed whenever a story I like is updated :) It's makes my life just that little bit easier.
          Thanks again!! I really appreciate you fanning and liking my stories; I get all teary-eyed with joy whenever someone tells me they like my stories ^^