
Kinda wanna rewrite my cringe af stories. Like, all of them. One by one.


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You know, this will seen childish. But I genuinely don't care if it does. I was minding my own damn business  I was just trying to mind my own bullshit. What do I get for that? Someone suddenly saying that, and I quote, "Goku Black doesn't exist". What got me mad was not the fact that they were telling me he doesn't exist (and idgaf, either. He exists in my heart). It was the fact that they pinged and bothered me for THAT.
          If you have problems up there and are trying to waste my fucking time with bullshit like this, then shut that fucking trap of yours and leave me be. Because I don't remember EVER saying jack shit to you.


@ RoboticDragonWight  The last two sentences were dirrected at that person.


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
Holy fuck, 2021 went by fast.


@ llSugarShakesll  Happy 2022 to you, too! ^^


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
Update on the last message here: I- So they canceled our hang out, forgot that they proposed to hang out today and then sent me a pic of them and some other people hanging out instead. Y'all have no idea how upset I am rn. Why do I even bother anymore? Almost everyone from Attorney Online is the fucking same. 


I wantwd to ask. Am I selfish for feeling awful after a friend canceled a hang out the last minute while I was waiting like fool? I was waiting for them to show up on this social platform thingy so we can hang out. And I was really excited for that. And suddenly, while I was waiting, they decided to cancel for tomorrow because they told me last minute they took their depressants and they were making them tired. Look. I respect that person and the fact that they're not okay and have to take some pills so they can feel okay. I really do. But I was waiting for them for an whole hour, being all excited for us to hang out and suddenly they want to do it tomorrow instead. You can tell the excitement is all gone now. Maybe I Am being selfish. Maybe I AM just thinking about myself. 


@ Steven_Universe69  Also, sorry to hear that. Are you and your friend on good terms now or-? That is if it's okay to ask.


@ Steven_Universe69  Ah. I see. Yeah, it does hurt. It hurt a lot when they did that. Thing is, though. They could have told me that they were going to sleep because they're going to take their pills beforehand. Not after having me wait for them for almost an hour.


@RoboticDragonWight no, your not awful, it hurts when someone cancels last minute. It has happened several times with one of my friends and I always feel bad after. Your not selfish or awful