
Hey all! I'd like to announce a new story added to the Highly Recommend and Would Read Again library! Mark of the Harbinger by @rentachi! Go check it out!


Hey Everyone! I'm going to shout out @LillyStoryTeller here, because she needs some love! Go hit up her book The King's Inamorata to help encourage her to continue her story! If only people could stop leaving mean/hurtful comment all the time, we'd have a lot more great authors out there not being discouraged! Which would mean more great stories for us to read, like this one! So please, go show her some love and support! And let her know what you love about her works, and when you tell her what you don't like, at least do it in a constructive way. That should be the general rule about all comments; unfortunately it doesn't work out that way.


Hey I just skimmed through my books and I noticed you're one of the really avid readers and commentators (Btw I'm Sacred Pen author of Yocantes Online). sorry I am really bad at finishing a story


Awesome that you're still around after all this time!


@SacredSheet lol you're good friend! Tbh I've kinda fallen off the map with updates the past couple weeks anyway. Found a great story off WP that's sucked me in..I'm in chapter 90 so far... Anyways, if you do get around to finishing I'll be there to finish reading!


Okay everyone who checks in on my profile, I've a new story added to my "Highly Recommended" reading list! Paragon by @azimodo! I've just finished book 2, and I'm about to start book 3 in a couple minutes. It's a great book and I really do hope those I talk to in Renoe's Discord will get around to it!


Hey everyone! Sorry I've been absent on shout outs, but I have one for you now! Friends with the King of the Underworld by @_lovepenny is simply amazing! I've binged her entire series over the weekend, and can't wait for the next chapter! The first book is in my "highly recommend and would read again" list! Have a good Christmas Eve and a greater Christmas! And happy New Year!


Hello dear followers; I have created a special reading list to help people out. It's called: "stories I highly recommend and would read again." This reading list is pretty straight forward, however, there will only be the first book of any series that I think are great. I feel it may be easier to find stories rather than have to look through my others and not know if they are the first in the series or whatnot.I have put 20 on so far, from stories I remember well and everything, and will continue adding more. If you have a suggestion for adding stories to any of my reading lists, feel free to either reply here or pm me! Also, if anyone wants me to read their stories, I'll also take those in consideration as well. Thanks! Have a great day!


Hello, friends! Go check out @skyhuntress for all the goodies! I've read Indigo, Mythic, Sentinel and Hardlight so far, and loved them! Go check her out!


shadow song is next on my list. I'm trying to decide if I like wolf warrior or not right now though.


@BizarreSmalls ohey, it me. Thank you for the shout out, if you ever get onto ShadowSong, I hope you like that one too! ^_^  I hope you have a great dayyyy~
            *throws cookies!*