
Guess what, everyone?! I'm not dead! I just can't get to my files on my stories so I can't post them right now... And my Interwebs is sketchy. Sorry, but I do love you.


You know that creepy feeling you get when there's a new teacher at school and suddenly all of your friends have them for a teacher (of the same subject)... I tend to think it's a conspiracy to make us talk.... WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER!!!


Why is it that the school takes FOR-FREAKING-EVER to post your schedule for the next school year. I mean, you've had all summer.... REALLY? We're supposed to have them posted online tomorrow though.... Not exactly happy-making since I ALREADY know it's going to be late.... Stupid school... Grrr..


Seriously though, I just want to know which teachers I need to start complaining about for the year.... Gosh, inconsiderate school board...