
Hi everyone, this will be my last message for I am not going to be active on this account anymore nor will anymore stories come out. TROTD will still be up. I just want to start brand new with a new account so I can post my original content. Thank you guys for enjoying my fanfiction.
          	         -BlancCanvasEG2 signing out


Hi everyone, this will be my last message for I am not going to be active on this account anymore nor will anymore stories come out. TROTD will still be up. I just want to start brand new with a new account so I can post my original content. Thank you guys for enjoying my fanfiction.
                   -BlancCanvasEG2 signing out


Hey guys haven't spoke in a while. I know a lot of you want a sequel to my dazzlings fanfic but I think it is best not to make one because I feel it would be dragging it out. Honestly I don't have ideas for it anyway. But I want to make my own original stuff and it would mean a lot if you check it out.


So I guess I forgot a warning or something but my new story does have a lot of swearing, unlike the Dazzlings story. I didn't want to put any explicit content in the Dazzlings story because I don't know what age can be reading it so I have it very pg. My original is more for an older crowd so it will have some things that are inappropriate for young children. But if you don't mind what ever age you are that's fine by me. (^v^)


Dazzlings fanfic is over it was so long and dedication but its done and I just want to move on to an original. It would really mean a lot if you check out My Little Secret I wrote in my freshman year of highschool and never finished it.


I'm so the best writer like ever like I let my followers wait like 2 years for like the next part like I'm so good, like I'm amazeballs!
                .....I apologize for my valley girl text. lol. I am trying it just this part I'm writing, I kinda want it to be long.


I am sorry for the lack of update on the Dazzlings story I was working on a new story and school was piling up, I just had a lot of stuff on my plate. I will try to get the story out possibly today or this weekend.