
Hey everybody, 
          	Submit, Alpha #23 is up and ready to be read.  Vote, comment! Tell me what you think and enjoy. 


Hey guys....
          So I was working on Submit Alpha #22, hoping to have it finished soon, to go up today. Anyway I was working on it and I went to save it and accidentally hit publish. Oops. Anyway, I have since unpublished it, Idk how many of you saw it. If for some odd reason you can see it just know it's not finish as well as I'm planning on making so changes. Just wanted to let you know. 
          Anyway, Happy Monday. 


Hey everybody, 
          Am I on fire or what? Three times this week. Submit Alpha #19 is up and ready for your eyes. (Also I haven't read through all of it so I apologize for grammar and spelling errors.) Anyway this is where the book is gonna start getting fun, a lots gonna start happening. As all ways I hope you enjoy!  
          Remember to Vote and Comment!! 