
@LilyAppleMlp Azkaban. That's what I call school.

Blossemfall I'm encouraging all my followers to go and sign this petition if you haven't already. I don't know about you guys, but i don't want to lose my two favorite sites. Plus. I know pretty much everyone uses Youtube. Who, or what, would stop SOPA from targeting Youtube? Get rid of all those videos, songs, movies, everything. From original to covers. Who can stop them but us? That's all i needed to say. Back into my hidey hole. I'll post a good ORIGINAL story soon. I hope you guys like it.


((I know a lot video sharing sites were shut down because of Copyright. MegaVideo was shut down and the owner was arrested. There was recently a Simpsons episode about this. We do not the FBI to seized Deviantart and arrest the owner. And we also do not want the Angry Video Game Nerd or Nostalgia Critic to get laid off from their job. I know SOPA made the FBI attack Canada on June 17th, 2013 to seized Zippcast down. A lot of people who worked at Zippcast got laid off from their job and the CEO of Zippcast was arrested and was sent to jail for Copyright Infringement. I know EDonkey got seized by the FBI for Copyright Infringement as well. And there used to be a fan site called "The Unofficial Disney Animation Archive". It got seized by the FBI IN 2007 and was rebrand as "The Unofficial Dreamworks Animation Archive". BTW, Wenoo got shut down as well. But will Upload Society be the next site to get seized by the FBI? Hope not.))


((Apparently after seeing many journal entrees, there's an uproar going on. From what I learned, SOPA is a anti-piracy group that can shut down any website if they believe there is too many copyright infringement going on. They would shut down the site completely because of fan art, fan fictions, or if there is over use of bad language or nudity. 
          Well considering that this is the internet, odds are you are going to come across those said topics. Now my question is, why can't they attack just the art thieves that never give the original artist any credit, or go after the people who steal art and sell it without the author's consent? Why attack the entire website? To me, it's like your going to attack a free porn site because of the porn itself. Well maybe they shouldn't let their smallest kids surf the internet without adult supervision. 
          To me it was hard to believe that the World Wide Web actually needed a leash. It didn't use to be that way. Believe me, I hate when someone ignores the copyright and just steals the art, but do they really need to shut down entire websites? 
          There's been talk about SOPA wanting to shut down the DA. What about all the hard work that some people put into their own original art works? The original art, stories, and fan works that you can tell they put a lot of hard work into? Would all that hard work just vanish and wonder around Google images with no link to who it belongs to?
          To me that's a very hurtful thought, that all that hard work would be all for nothing.))
          I read this on DeviantArt. If this SOPA is going to attack DA why would they stop there? Wattpad would be the next in their crosshairs. This was a comment I read on that journal entry.