
This is kinda late, but happy birthday Kookie!


Hello my lovely llamas! So I have a crush on this guy, and he’s a dancer. We kinda bonded over that. (I’ve been dancing since I was in diapers.) 
          So he asks me if I want to do anything for our school’s assembly, and I said yes. I auditioned, got in, and then my mom says I can’t go. 
          Idk what to do now.


@BommaLlama oml that's adorable- well the first part
            maybe try finding the reason you can't go? a little bit of reason might help


I just published another book... Personally, I hate it, but the writing isn't actually trash like it normally is!


@BommaLlama we don't do eesha slander here


Hello my lovely llamas! I have been sucked back into the world of Harry Potter, so of course, I will be writing a fic about my soulmate, Cedric Diggory.  
          Sorry I haven’t updated in forever! High school is no joke.


@BommaLlama As you should~ 
            Cedric is so underrated


Hello my wonderful readers! Sorry for not updating 'Wings'! I've been working on my new book, Dawn and Dusk, it's a mafia story, so go check that out. Secondly, I've been editing my other book, On. I'm changing it to a TxT novel, because Nisha made a big oopsie, and decided to create two BTS eighth member novels.  
          Love you all!