
You've more 4 days to read the chosen book and send us your review! Please try to do it!


@BookwormsCommunity  how do we send the review please?? :)


Hi there my name is Lottie, I heard about you guys looking for people to review books for you guys and if it's alright with you I would like to participate. You dont have to choose me, but if you do just message me and I will get back to you within 24 hours 
          Thank you for your time :)


Okay, important question!
          We'll open a new book and you can choose what you want first (the other will be open later). 
          Creative Writing challenges?
          We will choose the one with more votes in the end of this month. Everyone in our community (not just who is part of the Book Club, EVERYONE) can vote, so please help us helping you!