
Who wants an update? :)


Hello my lovely readers. It's been a while... Some of you are probably waiting for an update and apologies for making those of you wait so long. I lost motivation to write after the chapter I wrote got deleted and I had to start from scratch. Otherwise you would've gotten an update sooner. I've also been emotional since the New Year due to personal reasons. Pray for me , but I'm still here and an update is coming ❤️


Glad to see that you’re back Hun! I hope all is well with you! Update whenever you can. 


Hello my readers ✨️ I know it's been a minute since I last updated... Recently I was working on the next chapter, but something went wonky with Wattpad and it got deleted when it was close to being completed. I was not happy about it. However, I will be rewriting the chapter for you so bear with me!