OMG so I know I've been gone for ages, literally, so life is up and down and around but what I really need is a good helper, if interested email me @ or if you want to skype pm me for my skype name. thanks
OMG so I know I've been gone for ages, literally, so life is up and down and around but what I really need is a good helper, if interested email me @ or if you want to skype pm me for my skype name. thanks
I finally posted today yaysies!!! I will be posting every Friday i promised. Je t'aime
oh and i still need a writing assistant talk to you lovelies soon
Sorry for not updating yesterday today is meh birthday so updates will be soon, maybe tomorrow. but thanks for new followers and for 100 readers on RL ill be back soon, i promise
Okay so here's the dealio. I'm having some heartbreak problems so sorry for not updating last week, I also had a church function. There'll also be no updates tomorrow bcuz i will be out of town. Maybe update Saturday. so i am asking my loyal followers and readers of Me, Myself, and I (MMI) to hit me up via pm or kik @ briemarie25 to give me ideas bcuz writing + stress = writers block. Love ya bunches, Ciao A bientot