Hi bree, i found you because i'm looking for flash fiction samples. You can submit for flash fiction online and make your writing for a living. Cause I'm going to :D I like your flash fiction " Dream" Can't believe you're just sixteen :)
@thoughtsofria Wow, haven't been on here in forever and just saw this. Thank you! I was 16 when I wrote everything on here. Now I'm actually 21. I don't really post things on here anymore. I do still write, though not as much as I used to. Maybe eventually I'll post more in the future. Idk. It's good to hear a compliment though! That story was really important to me in high school, and I still like to come back and look at these every once in a while. I need to go back to writing flash fiction more. It was kinda my thing for a while. Thanks again, and best of luck in all your writing endeavors!