
@FlyingBlueBird  I will. (:


Heya, =)
          Just wanted to let you know that Dreaming of Riley has been updated!
          It's totally short but I wanted to end it where it is... but will continue writing.
          The next thing that'll be up is the 2nd chap of The Unknown, so check it out please :)


Hello there, Breah, 
          I know what you're thinking, "Oh great . . . another boring, annoying request," right? I won't deny that this probably is annoying, and I would like to apologize for bothering you, but I would also like to say that I would gladly return the favor, and give you a decent, thoughtful, constructive, review with honest feedback! 
          Anyways, I'm new to Wattpad, but I'm pretty familiar with the messed-up generalization-promoting dynamics of the site already, and I can say (or hope, at least) that my characters are not Mary/Gary Sues, and my plot is not a skeletal literary rehash of trashy things with no vague semblance of the English language. I'm trying to keep it real despite that the genre is fantasy, mystery, and crime/action-thriller. 
          Here is a synopsis of my temporarily titled "Grimminally Ever After": 
          Welcome to the life of former Wall Street-mastermind-in-the-making and ex-Manhattan socialite, Lion du Moreau--whose most current transaction involve "migrating to an obscure village no one knows about with idiotic idealists for adoptive parents." Lasthaven's the strangest place in the world, where the the residents are hardly even sane, for the most part, or even physiologically credible! Lion is forced to take on a job he has absolutely no experience in, or even doesn't resent, but in life, you don't get what you want. Join this strangely determined careerist on his thrilling journey of cracking logic-defying cases, all the while dealing with depression attacks,and having every principle he ever stood by put to the test, as well as the most aggravating, pseudo-sadistic, mentally unstable, yet lovably and hatefully ingenious partner known in case-closing history! 
          That's not the whole thing, but thanks for the time, for reading this! 


hey, my name's jocelyn (a.k.a. jocee). im new here and i wanted to know if you could please read the first chapter of my story "lifejackets, camouflage, and marmalade the horse." please comment, vote, and fan if you think it's good :). cheers. 
          ║(o) ║rock on!!! 


hey i know these messages are really annoying, but i just wondered if you could do me a HUGE favour and read my story, a pirates daughter in this age - no way!!!!!  i really need some feedback and would return the favour, but if you dont want to i understand =D thanks