So I just went on to Wattpad and I can't believe my Alastor x Reader book has reached 20k reads! I am absolutely blown away! When I first started that book, I had no idea how far it would go. I created it around August last year and the first few months were quiet but now every time I open Wattpad, everyday I get notifications for votes, comments or people adding my book to their reading lists! I've never gotten this much attention before, so to say I'm overwhelmed is an understatement but still I am really happy. This wouldn't have happened without you guys, so thank you all for helping me achieve this! This has definitely motivated me to keep creating more stories and I have so many ideas for this book, so I won't be going anywhere.

@Bridgee2000 I already have an idea as to what Y/N looks like in the book, so now it's just coming up with how the story will play out that I have to come up with

@MontyGatorSimp_69 Oh really? That's so cool! If you ever do decide to create it, I'll be happy to give it a read! It's also a lot of fun writing about Alastor and I think you'll get some enjoyment from it :D It's really up to you but if you do consider it, I would wait until you figure out your story ideas figured out. Thats what I did with mine, once I had five story ideas figured out that's when I knew it was a good time to start this book.

@Bridgee2000 No problem my friend! I've actually been wondering if I should try writing my own Alastor X Reader book but I have no idea how to start it or if I should start another book when I have six already