I often sit under the bright sun and dream,
Dream of a parallel universe,
Which has just you and me,
And only space between us,
Where we are never holding hands,
Never colliding into each other,
Or falling into the other's embrace,
Still in love,
A love not defined by closeness,
Not defined by the strings attached,
Or by means of feelings of touch,
But felt freely from afar,
A distance that could not be measured,
An emotion that doesn't bind but gives us air to breathe...
But then my mind brings me back to reality,
A world where we both exist,
Where we also belong to the mere human race,
Which believes love to be a flower that is plucked for it's beauty,
Or the butterfly which is caught by it's wings,
Or the heart that is caged within the eyes of other,
Or the bridges built between two souls that's bound to be burnt,
But not by the moon which we can together embrace from far while walking down two separate paths,
Or by the way there's nothing that combines us within a bond, but rather let's us traverse in the abode of the boundless paradise within and around us,
Or by the eternity which lies between us,
Yet is overpowered by this feeling,
This pure feeling called love...
P.s : when you feel like writing a piece, after a long time and what comes out is the collection of fragments of my not-so-writer mind..