
Well I’m done 


I have a sample Chapter in my Short Stories book for my upcoming one, it’s call the ‘You healed me’ [TF2 Mini] that is the first Chapter. When it’s officially released it’s title will not be the same and many errors I have made will be corrected. But if you want to see what the books about feel free to check out that Chapter. 


To everyone who is wondering why I changed my user name and all my covers to my stories. Someone I don’t knowing it me found me on Wattpad, it’s of that I don’t want them to read it it’s that I just don’t like them.


Anyone waiting for and update, I’m sorry it’s taking so long, I’m currently working on a TF2 book call The Battlefield Medic, it’s a longer story and once I have about ten  Complete chapters I’ll stop to publish it.