please send love to @gray94rose bc she's amazing x
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please send love to @gray94rose bc she's amazing x
please send love to @gray94rose bc she's amazing x
If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral. I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you. We are true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to everybody including me, if you care. See how many times you get this back. I want you to know that you are an amazing friend, till death and forever. If I don't get this back I understand. But I have a game for you. Once you read this, you must send to 15 people, including me. If you get at least 3 back, you are loved. Nobody knows how important something is, until they lose it. Tonight, (right at 12:00pm) the person you love will realise they love you. Then, at 1pm to 2pm, be ready for the shock of your life! If you break this chain, you will have bad luck. (I took out the ugly part because no one is ugly only beautiful in their own way) Tomorrow, 2 boys/ girls will ask for your number. Send this message to 15 nice people.
So i saw a cute human today as i was going to class and i almost tripped over my feet so i bent over and pretended to tie my laces awkwardly
@CEPHALEA the thing is, my laces were tied already and tucked in... and i was in the most awkward position ever
@CEPHALEA Hahahaha XD lmao that's a smooth move you did there. I know I should simpathise but that was funny lol
Hey just want to wish you even more luck and good vibes for your coursework I'm sure you will do great it looked really good and interesting ❤️ but I'm sure my opinion doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things but I believe in you!!
@CEPHALEA -_- why??????????????????? :/ -_- okay even if you don't have time you BETTER eat nutritional foods! It's good for you no ramen noodles for you nope *swipes away cup* eat more nutritious food like in the morning just eat a cereal bar it has fibre AND gives energy for your day it's the MOST IMPORTANT meal of the day. Eat properly or I will get my food teacher on you and she can be scary so watch out!
@gray94rose We are way past the "eat properly" stage- sometimes i have breakfast for dinner and idek why
@CEPHALEA good luck!!! I'm wishing you lots of luck and good vibes you need them more than me! Don't stress or you will not be able to concentrate and TAKE BREAKS! Yes I will be acting like a mum~ eat properly and drink lots of water it's not just good for your body but if you were recently really ill it will improve your health because I don't want you feeling like sh** when your in your exams because then you won't be able to concentrate ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ goodluck and well done for handing in your 1st coursework I hope no I'm sure it came out excellent!!
woohoo, so, guess who fucked up and just drank a cappuccino.. This bitch. @gray94rose my tablet will die because I never charge it and all my things are in the demon corner. Why do the sky gods delight in taunting me, lol
@CEPHALEA Seriously, what am I going to do with you??? And don't feel bad it's the weekend your allowed to be lazy ❤️
@gray94rose lmao, i slept until like 1pm and i don't even feel bad about it and trust me, im pretty sure i haven't learnt my lesson and i know im going to do it again
@CEPHALEA it looked pretty? What am I go to do with you?? *Scratches head* it's okay I guess, as long as you got lots of sleep afterwards ❤️
Try to sleep earlier tonight and don't watch and PSAs, try listening to classical music and if that doesn't work tell me because I have a phone app that helps you fall asleep
@CEPHALEA yes do that *nods head* YouTube is not good when your trying to sleep, because you binge watch lots of stuff and stubble across some strange things sometimes lol
@gray94rose Thank you xx And i'll be sure to leave the tv remote in the scary corner of my room(where im pretty sure the demons are) so that i wont be tempted to go crazy on youtube, lol
So I accidentally started watching PSAs and now I feel so cautious about everything. Why does the world look so dangerous nowwww.
@gray94rose it got to the point where i was watching PSA memes and vines and i was just so lost
Lets get down to business, to defeat, the Huns Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons
I fucking love your bio lol
I just finished up the first third of my coursework and my body doesn't want to go to bed. And my room is really dark but I need my tablet charger which is next to the wardrobe- which of course is slightly open because that is where the midnight man is watching me from. OHnO.
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