An aspiring author working on a novel called YŌKAI, about a teenage girl in a fantastical version of Edo Japan. I'm also writing Beauty and the Beast in Space here on Wattpad, with the hopes of doing a Space Fairy Tale series at some point in my life.

You can follow my work on my blog:
  • IscrittoApril 26, 2017


Storie di Christie Ligh
Space Fairy Tales: Beauty and the Beast di CPLigh
Space Fairy Tales: Beauty and the...
What if Beauty and the Beast took place in space? Belle yearns for adventure. She thought that moving to the...
God's Country (inspired by The Handmaid's Tale) di CPLigh
God's Country (inspired by The Han...
After abortion and birth control were banned, the United States of America suffered from rampant over-populat...
List of Facial Expressions and Body Language for Writers di CPLigh
List of Facial Expressions and Bod...
I used Bryn Donovan's master lists of facial expressions and body language and re-sorted them based on the em...
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