
Looking back, I had reviewed my books. Some of them have been put on hold for a while. All this time, I realized that I need to take off the on hold signs and just put completed. Yes, they are not completely finished. But, it began to drive me nuts to see on hold. I don't want to put discontinued on them. I did put completed. If I want to rewrite, I can try again to rewrite them. For now, I  can just write poetry and short stories. I always try again to write longer stories like novels and novellas.


Looking back, I had reviewed my books. Some of them have been put on hold for a while. All this time, I realized that I need to take off the on hold signs and just put completed. Yes, they are not completely finished. But, it began to drive me nuts to see on hold. I don't want to put discontinued on them. I did put completed. If I want to rewrite, I can try again to rewrite them. For now, I  can just write poetry and short stories. I always try again to write longer stories like novels and novellas.


I had read about this Open Novella Contest. At this point, I am disappointed. What happened to the community and support? I have to admit, I am not submitting my stories to the context this year. If you don’t want to lose your creator’s rights, don’t enter it