
I know it has been a long time, and I honestly would not be surprised if no one cared about this update at this point. But I guess I'm going to do it anyway.
          	I'm not going to even attempt to say I'm sorry for the silence. Not only because I know it won't fix the issue, but also because I'm not going to apologize for taking my time dealing with a couple things. I've recently gone back into therapy. My last time, I didn't have that great of an experience, so I was hesitant to go back. But then I realized that, that was nearly ten years ago. So I went. I knew I had recently started having anxiety and panic attacks, but I needed to get the actual name for it. Turns out the name for mine it PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. 
          	I say this to tell everyone this.
          	April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This is a big deal for me. It will be a year ago next month that I, myself, was sexually assaulted. No, I'm not looking for pity. I'm trying to spread the word that it can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. For me, it happened towards the end of my senior year of high school as I was unlocking my front door after walking home. After it happened, I felt like I had lost everything I was. Nothing excited me anymore, not music, not books, not writing. 
          	But I'm slowly, very slowly, starting to reclaim a small part of myself. Hopefully I can start writing again sometime in the near future. But 
          	I hope everyone can understand why it may not happen for a while. 
          	My message box is open all the time whether I'm writing or not. Feel free to message me anytime. And know that if something happens to you, whether you're threatened not to tell or not, tell someone. 
          	Until then, CamzFanz. 


I know it has been a long time, and I honestly would not be surprised if no one cared about this update at this point. But I guess I'm going to do it anyway.
          I'm not going to even attempt to say I'm sorry for the silence. Not only because I know it won't fix the issue, but also because I'm not going to apologize for taking my time dealing with a couple things. I've recently gone back into therapy. My last time, I didn't have that great of an experience, so I was hesitant to go back. But then I realized that, that was nearly ten years ago. So I went. I knew I had recently started having anxiety and panic attacks, but I needed to get the actual name for it. Turns out the name for mine it PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. 
          I say this to tell everyone this.
          April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This is a big deal for me. It will be a year ago next month that I, myself, was sexually assaulted. No, I'm not looking for pity. I'm trying to spread the word that it can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. For me, it happened towards the end of my senior year of high school as I was unlocking my front door after walking home. After it happened, I felt like I had lost everything I was. Nothing excited me anymore, not music, not books, not writing. 
          But I'm slowly, very slowly, starting to reclaim a small part of myself. Hopefully I can start writing again sometime in the near future. But 
          I hope everyone can understand why it may not happen for a while. 
          My message box is open all the time whether I'm writing or not. Feel free to message me anytime. And know that if something happens to you, whether you're threatened not to tell or not, tell someone. 
          Until then, CamzFanz. 


So, you may have noticed that I deleted Life Gone Bad or Maybe Not. There is a reason behind this. I started this story when I was 13 (5 years ago), and quite frankly, I don't like the way I was writing it. I also want to change the story to an original instead of a fanfiction. So this is a creative decision, and I'm planning to re-vamp the story and plot and characters. I totally didn't do that before, and the actual story suffered for that. I hope that when I do so, it will be better and more people will enjoy the story. 
          I hope that when I do repost the new version, people will receive it well. 
          As far as Beautiful Disaster, I'm considering re-vamping that one as well. I'm finding a running theme of not sufficient enough planning when it comes to my stories. But this is still on the fence. I may just spend a lot of time editing each chapter, but if I do this, there will be a lot of changes. 
          I just wanted to update everyone on where I stand. If you want to know anything in the future regarding my stories and when I project a certain date to be, feel free to message me. I always reply to those. I have, what I like to call, open office hours when it comes to private messages. 
          Hopefully, I will see everyone soon with an update.
          Until then, Ciao!


Hey, CamzFanz! Hectic time senior year! I'm not kidding! And NaNoWriMo is taking up every waking moment OF MY LIFE! Anyway.....
          Once that's over, I will come out with another update on Beautiful Disaster, and I promise, it will be amazing! You will love it!
          Until next time! 


Hey, CamzFanz! I am SO sorry that I haven't been on. Life is hating me right now, and I've been doing my best to overcome some stuff. I can tell you though, I'm going to be updating Beautiful Disaster tonight, even if I have to abandon my chores and get yelled at! So be on the lookout for that in a few hours. 
          Here's a little excerpt of the next chapter (which I'm splitting into two parts so that I can update ASAP):
          I'm going for my door when I'm jolted back. "What the hell?"
          I turn towards Aria and give her a questioning glare. "We can't leave this room for a little while."
          I am officially confused, but resign myself quickly. There is no use arguing with her. "Then what do you suppose we do?" I look around my room. "There's not much in here."
          Both Tyler and Aria smiled, and Aria put her hand up, a camera in her hands. "We shall take photographs!" 
          I groan. Anytime we do anything, Aria has a camera, ready to document every little moment. 
          She points her finger at my face. "Don't give me attitude Kiara Samantha Wolf! We are going to do this whether you like it or not." I try to bite her finger, but she quickly pulls her hand away. "Now put a smile on your face!" 
          I don't even have the time to react when she lifts her camera and takes a picture. I scowl at her, but again resign myself. 
          We had been taking pictures for about 15 minutes when footsteps were clearly heard, and they were headed towards my door. When my door opened and Andrea stuck her head in, we all had huge smiles on our faces from laughing at what the last photo surely looked like. 
          "We're all ready to head out when you are." Andrea said quickly before turning and walking away.
          We all looked at each other, and let out one last quick laugh before heading out. Aria ran down the stairs, camera in hand. Tyler and I looked at each other, chuckling under our breath. She is definitely a different character. 
          See you all in a few hours! 


CamzFanz! I know I have been kinda out of it lately, and I apologize. I can tell you that I have been writing Beautiful Disaster, but I've been thinking about rewriting slightly. I'm running into a few roadblocks this chapter, and I want to put some stuff in, but I can't in the current state that the story is in. 
          So, if you could give me your opinion about this, it would be greatly appreciated. The one thing is when I say rewrite, I'm saying that I would be taking it down and putting it up at a later time when I work out all the kinks. Let me know!
          Until next time, Ciao!


So, hello CamzFanz! In the last week, I've tried many a time to finish the next chapter of Beautiful Disaster, but I haven't been able to find the time. My family is deciding to do a birthWEEK so I am fully exhausted. 
          Another thing. I'm leaving for California tonight because it's my spring break, and I don't know if I will have internet or not. So if I do, I'm going to try and update within the next week. I have a lot of time. I have a almost 3 hour plane ride that I can write, and then the DRIVE home, which is about 20 hours. So, lots of time! I'm sure my cousin will remind me when I'm down there. 
          Until then, Ciao!


So, CamzFanz, I have some exciting news! I'm in a very giving mood, and because of that, I have decided to give you a chapter later today. It's my Valentine's Day gift to you. Beautiful Disaster has been giving me trouble, but I'm pushing through it to get this for you all! It will be up later tonight, no matter if it's short or long. It's something. I'm so glad that I have such amazing fans! And I want to get to know all of you, so if you want to, you can message me on here, on FaceBook (, or on Twitter (colescami687). I also have an instagram account if that works better for you. (camzicoles687) I will be seeing you later tonight with a chapter!


So, as you may know, I've been taking the last few weeks off. Haven't even been reading any books during that time. I've been really depressed, and I don't want that to show through in my writing. I always write my private novel when I'm in that kind of mood because it's SO much darker than anything else I have ever written. I may post it on here someday, but right now, it's for my eyes only. Me trying to write light scenes when I'm in this mood is a REALLY bad idea. Nobody will like it, at all! I'm a jumbled up mess with no story when I'm like this. I'm slowly starting to get back in my routine of writing, reading, and spending every waking moment of my life on WattPad. So, I hope I can follow through when I say the next chapter should be up soon. I'm sorry for taking so long to post. Life can really be a b!$(# sometimes. 