
Whoah...haven't touched this in a long time...sorry guys, this account isn't too active anymore :(. I've moved onto professional writing for Amazon Kindle, if anyone enjoyed my writing style, it's advanced a lot in 5 years. Take a look:
          	Thanks for all of the great comments, suggestions, and complements. It was a great feeling to sign into that huge notification box. You guys are truly one of the greatest communities out there.


Whoah...haven't touched this in a long time...sorry guys, this account isn't too active anymore :(. I've moved onto professional writing for Amazon Kindle, if anyone enjoyed my writing style, it's advanced a lot in 5 years. Take a look:

          Thanks for all of the great comments, suggestions, and complements. It was a great feeling to sign into that huge notification box. You guys are truly one of the greatest communities out there.


Hey man I love your halo stories! Hope you update and no offense but could you please go a bit easier on the Spartans?


@NathanTylerJerrin Hey man, I don't remember much about writing it, but rereading, it looks like my goal was to portray a Marine who was both envious and spiteful of the Spartans. It's not really my opinion, but an opinion of the character.


Alright guys, sorry I have to tell you all this, but I'm most likely leaving Wattpad within the next couple days. I started shooting short films again, plus this site is starting to leave memory of a friendship that doesn't exist anymore. Every time I go here it just makes me too sad, and at the same time, angry. Just give me a few days to save all of my stories. I'll miss all of you, thanks to all my fans who have supported me. By the way, if any of you are interested in the films I mentioned, my Youtube account is Chikingames, but I don't have too much on there anymore because I had to take an involuntary break.