
este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Hi, the boys are back and I'm depressed and mature now. Kind of.
          	You won't believe the amount of cringe looking back at this account gave me, to be honest, but I'm not going to let this account to become trash (like me) just because 14 year old me couldn't write for shit.
          	So, guess what, even though I'm 10x busier and 10x lazier and 10x more suicidal now, I'm going to try out writing again. Keep an eye out or if you don't want to that's understandable have a nice day


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Hi, the boys are back and I'm depressed and mature now. Kind of.
          You won't believe the amount of cringe looking back at this account gave me, to be honest, but I'm not going to let this account to become trash (like me) just because 14 year old me couldn't write for shit.
          So, guess what, even though I'm 10x busier and 10x lazier and 10x more suicidal now, I'm going to try out writing again. Keep an eye out or if you don't want to that's understandable have a nice day


Your username is my new favorite thing lmao ❤️❤️


No problem!! ❤️❤️❤️


@FangirlingForFun Haha, thank you. And also thanks for the follow :) 


Hello muffins, I am currently working on a new fanfiction about the Supernatural Cast. Mainly J2 and Misha. It's kinda the If I Stay Storyline but this time with Jensen Ackles. Basically, Jensen has 32 days to stay with his friends and family in spiritual form and all that! Yay! It won't be emotionally destroying at all(jk I want this fic to  tear readers heart out muahaha) So that's one thing I'm working on!


Hey Wattpadders(is that a word even?)! ^O^ As you can see, my name is Deallator Carstairs(Woohooo!you'll get it if u read The Infernal Device) and I read lots of Destiel, Supernatural, Avengers and basically weird stuffs in the middle of the night! However, I acknowledged long ago that this is just a fangirl's life >﹏< (and bitch please I don't even regret it) I'm about 325 years old i think? I lost count so yah anyway, this is my account where I am thinking of posting some fanfics. However, don't mind my language and multiple referance and lame jokes and puns and basically, don't mind me, just focus on the stories. 
          Wow I really wrote quite a lot xD I wonder if anyone bothers to read this! if you read it till here then Yay *hands you Nutella and Oreo* ≧◇≦! So, lastly, thanks for wasting your time reading about this little girl here ←_← and I hope u enjoy my stories! ⊙▽⊙