Been immersed in a short story for a competition, tough deadline, once the competition results are out I’ll post here! Now back to editing/continuing some of the stories here, such as the Origin. Lots to do there.
Been immersed in a short story for a competition, tough deadline, once the competition results are out I’ll post here! Now back to editing/continuing some of the stories here, such as the Origin. Lots to do there.
Origins final chapters published! Well that was a while coming. Lockdown ending, holidays, then buttressed by sickness last week and a bit slowed me down a tad. Good to be writing again.
I hope you get a chance to read it, and more so that you enjoy it - or even just find it interesting/thought provoking.
Norovirus; not fun is it! Smashed my week to pieces, perhaps a story in there somewhere built off the experience. Hopefully get the remaining bits of Origins published next few days.
Hi, thanks for the follow. I see you are a Sci-Fi writer.
But would you mind reading my story?
It's a mystery/thriller based story.... which is still ongoing!
Would really appreciate it, if you have a read of it!
Thanks for reading Anna’s Locket. It was a contest entry, but I didn't win. I will check your stuff out later this evening.
You should search for #ofmonstersandus
I entered Little Pieces in that contest so we’ll see how that story does.