Hey y’all, would you kindly listen to me? Please? I just walked past my birds cage to find one of them dead. We had two, and we never gave them names- but still. Turns out, my step dad hasn’t been feeding them, and he’s the one that wanted to bring them home. I feel so bad, and usually I was the one to feed them, but ever since he cleaned out their cage, he fed them too, so I thought it’d be an everyday thing. But no. I take the blame for this. So now. I know, that I can’t raise animals in my future. Because this will happen. I feel like crying because of how guilty I am. It’s night time right now, and my parents are asleep, so they’ll have to deal with it in the morning, but now, all I can sense when I walk past their cage, is death. I feel like I’ve failed miserably at taking care of them, and they weren’t even mine, yet they depended on me to give them food.. oh god.. I can talk about this anymore.. my throat feels tight as I’m typing this.. music can’t get my mind off this, drawing can’t get my mind off this, nothing, can make me get over this. So I ask of you, my followers and friends. If you have a bird or an animal. Please. God please. Feed it. Take care of it. Love it. Please. Show your animals you love them for me.