
Hello Monsters.I have a quick announcement.I just published chapter three to my new story called The School for FREAKS like me.If you could go check out the story that would be awesome.Thank you everybody.Good bye.Cattiness Out! :3 <3


Thank you so much for following me today!


@CATtheDrawer  You are really good artist! I like your profile picture and your background picture for your profile! I love to draw, but I sucks, I wish I had your talent! ;3


@CATtheDrawer      Your welcome friend! ;3


Hello Monsters.I have a quick announcement.I just published chapter three to my new story called The School for FREAKS like me.If you could go check out the story that would be awesome.Thank you everybody.Good bye.Cattiness Out! :3 <3


Hey Claire. It's Rachel, I go by Ryan now. Just wanted to see how you were doing. Good luck in Jr. High. 


 I'm sorry if I didn't respond I was really busy and I haven't been on Wattpad in a while.


@FanfictionAddictionR Sorry for my really bad grammar.


@FanfictionAddictionR  The Jr.High is awesome,thanks for wishing me luck.I hope your'e new school is going good,and I now have lots of weird great friends and I have tougher skin and I don't care what people say about me anymore.Also if you ever need a person to talk to I'm here for you.I'm sorry I was mean to you back in elementary school.And if you ever move back here I think you'll like the school and everyone will welcome and you'll make great friends.I also hope you come back to our school.I really do miss you.Thank you. <3 :3


          Hello Monsters,Cattiness here and I just wanted to tell you the cast of my new book called "The school for FREAKS like me."
                     So here we go! :3
                  /My friends that have a Wattpad+me/
          •Cattiness101 as Lily Wolf
          •Tinselwrightsfanfics as Phoenix Adara
          •Arryannapanda14 as Scarlet Black
          •Xx_AnonymousG_xX as Cassidy Rendalson
          •FoxysFavoriteFan as Finn Foxlen
                          \My friends that don't have a Wattpad\
          •Rage as Drew Cager
          •Jack as Brad Ore
          •Ted as Kevin Freshvic
          •Spida as Paxton Bay
          •Rylin as Rye Ann
          •Flower as Luna Moth
          •Jessica as Jessica Parks
          And my •Dad as a teacher at the school
          Well those are the characters for my story "The school for FREAKS like me."
                    And remember if you to be in my story please comment down below and I'll tell you the details you have to put down if you want to be in the story.
                       Well thanks for reading my weird stories and I love all of you.
                       Cattiness out!!!! :3


 Excuse my spelling I'm terrible.LOL.


Hello Monsters,Cattiness here and I have a few special announcements for you guys.
          •Number 1:The RandomFandom Club is now up to six people.
          •Number 2:As most of you know I'm making a new story.It is called "The School for FREAKS like me" so keep an eye out and I should be publishing the first chapter to it soon.
          •Number 3:"The school for FREAKS like me" will be starring:
          (My friends that have WattPad + me)
          •Aryannapanda14 as Scarlet.
          •TinselWritesFanFics as Phoenix.
          •Cattiness101 as Lily Wolf
          (My friends that don't have a WattPad)
          •Jack as Brad
          •Ted as Kevin
          •Number 4:My story (The school for FREAKS like me);I will be allowing you guys (if you want) to be apart of the story.
          •Note:You will have to tell me the characters first and last name, (Please not your real name I don't want people finding you or hurting you in any kind of way) what the character looks like (Examples:Hair color,eye color,what the character wears,and what the character likes) ,if your character can turn into a monster or has powers please tell me that too, and if your character has a pet (what animal is it,what does it look like,and what is its name)
          •Well that's all I had to say thank you all and have a good day.Cattiness out! :3


We have a new person but he does not have a Wattpad so here he is:
            Starring Rage as Drew Cager


Please excuse my bad spelling. :3


Hello Monsters,Cattiness here and I have a few things I need to get off my chest.So many of you know I won't be posting a lot of stuff this year because of school starting and stuff like that,but this is about my stories.
                      So I might be going to get rid of a few characters in my story (not re-write the story but maybe kill of some of the characters or make some of them go missing or not even introduce some of the characters in to my new story)and The RandomFandom Club that my friends and I were running use to have up to thirty people but now we are down to four.(We got a new person added to our weird group)(Thank you Jack)(That's his nickname) I am sad that some of my friends just left the group but I am super glad that Ted and Toy Chica decided to stay and that Jack wanted to join.Thank you my three best buddies :3.Well that's all I wanted to say and I'm glad I did so most of you don't get confused.Well good bye for now,Cattiness out :3.


 Sorry for my spelling I was writing kind of fast lol :3


Hello Monsters,Cattiness here.I'm sorry but it will be awhile till I post new chapters to The New Proxy Life,but don't worry I'm working on new stories (For example:Frienimies,Searching for a better tomorrow,and School for FREAKS like me).School starts tomorrow for me and I have to get use to my schedule before I can start writing and drawing again,but I hope you Monsters had a great summer and I hope you guys do great in school.Bye see you Monsters later.Cattiness out.     :3


Hello Monsters,Cattiness here and I know I haven't been posting anything lately.I've just been very busy,but don't worry I'm going to make it up to all of you.I've also been working on three new stories,and I should be posting some chapters to them very soon.The three new stories are going to be called School for Freaks like me,Frienimies,and searching for a better tomorrow.I hope you enjoy all of my stories including my upcoming ones. Well I guess this is good bye and always remember to have fun my fellow Monsters.  :3 


TinselWritesFanFics-Ikr lol! :3


I understand. It's hard to write more than one story at once haha