Okay, so you may wonder where I have been these past few months... Well, if you still care, then here is why:
I absolutely loved writing my fan fiction and it helped me relax and just generally was almost therapeutic. Through Wattpad I got to know some of the greatest people and I read some of the most wonderful stories. Then at some point in early 2015 I started losing the joy in a lot of things I used to love doing. I had been struggling with writing a little while before that already, but at that point I also stopped reading. Over summer it got better again, and I thought that maybe I could finally write again, but then as soon as I got back home from my holidays it got really bad again. I have since learned that all of this happened because I have depression, and it's still not gone. I haven't used Wattpad in months and I neglected all my friends and my readers, and today I decided to log on to this again, and I had 1.3k notifications... So yeah, it's unlikely that I'm going to have inspiration to write again soon, but I will try to come on here every once in a while again, and I promised myself that as soon as I'm not depressed anymore, whenever that may be, I will write again, and I will post on here.