
Hey guys! Keep an eye out for a chapter in PMD: Different Futures on May 3rd! I'm going to try getting out the next chapter by August 3rd, though that is a bit more tentative (I do want to get a second chapter out this summer!). I will be a bit busy for most of June, but I'm planning on writing during that time.


Hey guys! Keep an eye out for a chapter in PMD: Different Futures on May 3rd! I'm going to try getting out the next chapter by August 3rd, though that is a bit more tentative (I do want to get a second chapter out this summer!). I will be a bit busy for most of June, but I'm planning on writing during that time.


Hey guys! Not a lot has happened since I last posted an update, but I do want to mention that I posted the next chapter to My (Twisted) Pokémon Journey: Different Futures last month! We're on Chapter Fifteen now! I also just posted another chapter to the rewrite of my original M(T)PJ on AO3 a week ago!
               I want to also note that, in an amendment to my last message, I have done a thing called Archive Locking on AO3. This means that guests can no longer browse my works without an account. I did this back on December 1st, and I am not the only one to do so -- there was a worry that AO3 (and Wattpad,, etc) were fed into writing AI(s) and talk of plagiarizing fics or making writers' work obsolete was worrisome. While I'm considering unlocking my AO3 fics, they are currently still locked. However! You can access them for free on AO3 with an account, you just need to request an invitation from AO3, and wait a little for an invitation in your email. I would highly recommend doing this!
               One more thing I'd like to mention, which is a lot less relevant since it's not even out yet, but I want to confirm (since I've been on the fence back during the summer of 2022) that the M(T)PJ story following Different Futures will be an AO3-only story. I like their site better and I don't like how ads are put into the stories between chapters (mobile) or in between the text itself (website).
               I will NOT be removing my stories from Wattpad. What's posted is staying unless something outside of my control happens. I want them to stay up so everyone who's read it here can continue to do so.
               Just thought I'd give an update, since my chapter postings are around twice a year at this point.
          TL:DR - Mentioning my recent chapters posted on Wattpad and AO3, and recommending anyone who likes my writing to get an AO3 account and subscribe to me over there.


It has been a hot second, but I want to let you guys know that I'm rewriting the original "My (Twisted) Pokémon Journey" from 2015! It's on, my profile link is in my Wattpad bio. I'm Mel_the_Pirate over there. 
          I'll probably end up posting with some small revisions on "M(T)PJ: The World of Darkness" and "Different Futures" and throwing them up there eventually, as well. When the fourth installment comes out, it will most likely be only on Ao3 since I prefer its interface and lack of pushing Premium every time I log on, plus I don't have to worry about a "cover" for my story, just the text and what I can write instead of using others' art without permission.
          I have my stories open to "guests" (people who don't have accounts) so you can give the story kudos and also comment. I would love for you guys to follow me over there, but I understand that getting used to new systems isn't always the most fun.


Hey guys! Please check out my recent chapter for my Pokémon series, "M(T)PJ: Different Futures"! I updated a recent (and an albeit long) chapter back on the third! I'd love to know what you guys think about it.
               I am also writing again, and while I won't promise anything, I'm hoping I can get another Different Futures chapter out around New Year's. I'll have a break in semesters and will hopefully be able to use my creativity for something other than English papers! I'm taking my final literature class (capstone...) so burnout might finally let me use my creativity in peace.
               Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know I'm trying to be active again! Thank you for sticking around!


In Pokémon mystery dungeon didn’t she keep her abilities as a ditto


@lesliemashburn26 I mean exactly that, I'm going to follow the game's storyline. However, I will be referring back to Pearl's time in the Future (outside of vague references in her journal) once that information becomes relevant to the story. It won't be a carbon copy, but it's still going to remain a similar story.


What do you mean not deivate to heavy fully into into pearl/ human story


@lesliemashburn26 I'm trying to make it a bit unique, but I'm still going to be faithful to the games, so it won't deviate too heavily to fit into Crystal/Pearl's story. I just rearranging some relationships of characters and who acts as a tutorial (like Chimecho with the allies in-game). With quarantine, while I will soon have a LOT of time to spend writing snd planning, I accidentally left my notebook somewhere else, but I might be able to get it soon. Otherwise I might just end up going from scratch what I had written (much was already saved to a word doc). 
                Pearl will remember she once was Crystal! But I'm letting her recover her past very slowly, through memory flashes and vague familiar feelings. Some things I reference are part of the story, some are part of her past that we don't get to see (I don't know if there should be s "yet," there or not). By the time she's in the Future world, she will have regained memories referring to her time there as a human, and as the whole Rainbow Stoneship thing ends she will have regained all her memories. But for now, she is still confused, and exploring is her only hope of finding a lead.
                 Thank you for having so much interest, I appreciate you wanting a new chapter. Life is a bit hectic still but less than it was. I want to get out another chapter. I want to get all the chapters out.