
Follow me coz you like my account, and stories, not coz you want followers. 


 @cjpetherick it actually does matter cuz some ppl are selfish. And coz is not a word, but this is the Internet and many ppl have very improper grammar. She did that on purpose anyways


Follow me coz you like my account, and stories, not coz you want followers. 


 @cjpetherick it actually does matter cuz some ppl are selfish. And coz is not a word, but this is the Internet and many ppl have very improper grammar. She did that on purpose anyways


Honestly, I don't like how so many people are following me and then unfollowing, and they probably think I won't notice, but dood, I notice, it is a jerk move, just to rack up followers, your taking advantage of nice people, and you should really earn your followers, not have a bunch of followers who don't really know you or your work. 


Even if you regret yesterday, 
          the damage is done. 
          If you simply let yourself flow with the sound, 
          It'll lighten your mood too
          Even now you can almost fly, y'know?
          Like the mountain climbers response,
          "Because the mountain is there."
          The answer is actually simple 
          Everyone is a traveler on a continual challenge
          See, even the rain is energizing
          So let's put on a smile and dance the night away
          Our compass points to the sun
          If we follow it, we'll be free
          So let's launch fireworks together, in harmony
          The sun will set again and again,
          There's no guarantee that tomorrow's weather will be fair
           But will ride out even the roughest of waves
          The fated paradise is right there, right now
          Best fairy tail lyrics to live by


Sam is scaring me, as in supernatural Sam, season 7 episode 8


Thank dog, just a crossroads demons


I have been twamatized