so i shall begin it starts like this:
So i was just making an AWESOME tower when i hear my mum scream: "HONNNEEEYYYYY THERESSS AA CRREEAATTUUREEE IINNN HEERERERRERRE!!!!!!!!!!"
the first thing i think is... ' Omgosh mom, get over it, its just a tiny spider.'
30 sec. later :
"DAD THERES A MOUSE IN HERERERRE!!!!!!!" (that was my bro.)
i jump up.....(sadly knocking tower over. :( ) and run to down stairs and go into game room to find my dad and brother the....wait for it......FIREPLACE...! aparently it crawled through a tiny crack.
10 min. later :
i watch as my dad goes into the freezing cold screen porch and emty(srry bad speller. #1)s the bad to......TADA.....NOTHING!!!
18 secs later....
"MOMMMMMMMMM! I THOUGHT YOU WERE JOKING" i screech on the very...i mean VERY top of my lungs while i walk past a FREAKing moving bag with a freakin' moving thing in it! i jump ON,yes ON the table with my mum and scream "______!"(my bro's name and my dads name)
they come and bring wolf, my awesome talented,shoulder calmer,super hero ,mouse loving eater.......*drum roll* CAT! He looks at it and paws at it and then my brother picks bag up and cat up and literly THROWS both out in screen porch and closes door on his own foot. The 'thing' moves and after a while of paw-the-bag-till - it comes-out (WHICH DIDN'T WORK.....thanks alot of wastingtime....WOLF!) _______ (brothers name)
dumps bag out to reveal a little black mouse a size of light bulb.....
40 min later :
mouse burrows self in exploded can of diet cola and brother throws out into snow 1foot high.
3 days later :
i turn my head to see ANOTHER little black creature, on my chair climbing it scurrrys as i jump out and onto table silently screaming.
1 day later:
im looking at the grave of this 'ghostly mouse' well thats \/