
Update^^ Chapter 12-14 His Baby


I would like to wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Last year was an experience we shall take with us but not let it hold us back. I am sorry to say that the challenge that I have posed for myself couldn't stand with all the festivities that surrounded those couple of weeks but I will try to complete the first book before I start the second one.
          Love you all.


Hello Everyone,
          I want to thank all of you for taking the time out to read my book His Baby, but there are a couple things I am not happy with in regards to how the story line developed. With that said, I plan to unpublish the entire book in order to make the necessary changes in my favour. The book is almost to its end and I would very much like to be finished with this book before the new year. I have given myself a challenge. I need to make all the necessary changes and finish the book by December 31 2020. Fingers crossed.
          Love Raenii