
Finally!! Chapter Forty-One* of ENTITLED is yours!!  


          I apologize for the less frequent updates. Between re-writing the ending of Entitled and trying to stay afloat in a busy working season, I just haven’t had the time I wish I did to write. 
          I WILL have a new chapter of Entitled up on Wednesday, 12/11. I am also chipping away at Entrapped to go along with that. 


@ChsngLilies no worries. We'll be here when you have them ready.  Excitedly waiting. 


In case you missed it, Chapter Thirty-Nine of ENTITLED was posted last week. So, make sure you read that!! 
          I actually took a week off from opening my computer and writing, because I decided that I was unhappy with my planned ending to the Entitled/Entrapped “series” and I think you would have been, too. I deleted the ending, stepped away from it took some time to come back to it.
          I’m hoping to get back on my regular Wednesday update schedule. That being said, I do plan to have an Entrapped chapter out sometime this weekend (It will include a photo update, as well).