In light of my 21st birthday I think you guys should go on my stories and vote like HELL and in return I will update the chapter I just finished on one of my stories... which one??? Well that's is to be a surprise!!!
In light of my 21st birthday I think you guys should go on my stories and vote like HELL and in return I will update the chapter I just finished on one of my stories... which one??? Well that's is to be a surprise!!!
I have uploaded the remainder of of The Air That I Breathe... I know it has taked too long to re-post it but ive had a lot going on these past months and it was a miracle i was able to do it today... I hope i havent lost any of my fans (or as i learned today... followers) but i hope you guys still like my story... I will try to finish and upload chapter 13 and another chapter of SBL but im not sure when itll be up... thanks of staying though it took so long to upload... tahnk you guys and love you LOTZZZ!!!
Okayyy... so apparently wattpad deleted The Air That I Breathe.. but have no fear my trusty wattpad fans i will be re-uploading everything (eventhought its gonna suck because all my meads and votes and comments are gone) but just know i WILL be uploading the whole thing over again. :)
i just want to apologize to you guys for the sucky updates... it just takes me longer than i think it actually would but im still writing and i still trying to get you guys a good update. i just dont want to give you guys a crap chapter to read but im trying my damndest to get it for you guys... but on to other thing... The Air That I Breath needs a new cover because the one that is has now... well we all know that it sux ass so if there is anyone who is reading this knows how
to make covers and good ones not like the one ive made send me a private message or something... LET ME KNOW PEOPLE!!! Because my poor baby needs a new cover... Thanx for reading and i love you ALL!!!
Story behind a broken life chapter 1 or maybe to some chapter is is FINALLLLLYYYYY up... goo and read. read and go!!! come on people lets do this!!! tatib should be up next!!!
Okayyy guys I am sooo sorry I haven't uploaded on any of my stories in a while its just that I've been working nonstop so I haven't had time to write but... seeing as I am the amazing genius that I am I have been able to fix my desktop so now I can get my internet back and I Cal upload more yay!!! I am sooo sorry you guys. I'd also like to say a thank you to all my old and new fans for all the votes and for just being my fans and reading and those who just read period... I love you guys and am so grateful that you guys even read my story let alone vote and fan me... you guys are awesome!!!
i know its been forever sine i upladed and i am sooo sorry... i just havent had the time to write with work and school and all but good thing is... I graduate this upoming thursday!!! yay for me!!!... ikr??? but hopefully i will have more time to write for you guys and i am getting a new laptop since the old one is a bust and my mom and i are sharing laptops as of the moment and i cant really work on it as much seeing as she needs it for school but i will try my best to write until i get a new laptop... i have chapters started for both stories they are just not finished meaning i dont think they are a post worth making. again i am sorry for not uploading but i will try my best to have a hapter up for both stories by either the end of this week or the middle off next week sometime... FINGERS CROSSED!!!