My vows:

1. I promise that I will update independent of vote or comment counts.
2. I promise to abstain from apologies or diatribes on what a pitiful/great/slow/prolific/whatever writer I am. This, if it arises at all, will be in comments or, more likely, private messages.
3. I promise to use a spellchecker with the caveat that my spellcheck is only for English. All bets are off for Korean, Klingon, Lycian, Sumerian and the dark language of Mu. I'm accepting legitimate submissions, however, for Linear A. (And if you know what those last 4 are off the top of your head, we're going to get along just fine.)
  • انضمJune 1, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
ClipperDown ClipperDown Nov 22, 2015 03:19AM
More Daesung x Twilight Zone fun!
عرض جميع المحادثات

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