
HOly CoW!!!
          	From 190 to 240 in a few hours!?! 
          	I'm so humbled!! 
          	Thanks for all the new views! I truly appreciate it and hope y'all enjoy the newest submissions!!



And if you like the content then please follow me and recommend to your friends!! TYSM and I will try to do the same.


          I am excited to announce that ToA Series 3 will be available on the 31st! I hope that those who have stuck around this long will find it worth the wait, and I apologize for any inconveniences it might have caused you. I appreciate everyone who has been patient, sharing, and voting for my story as well. Your support means the world and it is truly humbling. 
          With that being said, I will continue to do my best in making the story more digestible, because it is a rather huge story and far from reaching any sort of conclusion.  With my current time table, I will try to have series 4 done by the the middle or end of spring. So long as I stay consistent and the reads continue to grow that is...(I noticed that quite a few have dropped off during the 1st half of the 2nd series...) I know some of content might be heavy on the dialogue, but I promise it's worth keying on, because it allows me to reveal traits and plots points that I can't visually give you readers.  So make sure not to skip anything!
          That's all I have for you now! Time for me to crawl back into my cozy mental space and get to typing!


Due to an instant revelation that I've had (ten minutes ago) I have decided to forgo the currently scheduling method of each chapter to ToA. Instead of releasing them weekly, I'm going to drop them all at once! (10-11 chapters at a time each series). If this is something that the majority can get on board with, then I will stick with this plan instead of the previous method for the foreseeable future. 
          I feel that doing this will not only help readers to finish the already completed series at their own speed, but to have it done before the  Christmas and New Year's holiday.  As always, you're welcome to share your thoughts and opinions on the story. Share it with your friends if you like, and please leave a vote! 
          God bless!


Hope everyone will have a safe and blessed Christmas and New years. I know that for many, these times may not be all sunshine and roses. With that being said, I want those who have suffered losses or hurt during these last couple of months to know...I love you all and God still loves you as well. You are all precious in His eyes and I pray for whatever healing you might need in your times of sorrow, guilt, hurt, or, shame. I wish you the best of health and that you're surrounded by a good friend or two. Most importantly,  never give up on Yourself and that no matter what there's someone out there who knows your pain and would love to comfort you as God desires to comfort us. 
          Be well, be mindful and God bless. 



@inkwelldreamer123 Sure, if i find the time, I ill give it a look! SO long as you're willing to do the same for mine...please : )


(Seeking Insight)
          Hello, everyone. 
          After finishing the 1st series of ToA, a friend told me it would be a great idea to ask readers for their thoughts. Since I am a very reasonable person, lol, I have decided to do just that.
          What was your first initial thoughts on the first chapter?
          Did your initial opinion of the story change after reaching the end of the series?
          Which of the main characters did you relate to the most?
          What part of their personality should be portrayed more?
          Did you enjoy the contrast of both spiritual and dark elements that are tied into the story?
          Lastly, what direction should the story lean towards in terms of genre? ex: more drama, graphic, humor, slice of life, or spiritual? 
          I really appreciate your thoughts if you have time to share them, please.


(From Closing Thoughts of ToA Series One)
          I just want to personally say that I am thankful for all who took the time to read through my first series! It took so much work to flesh this universe out, and there is still so much to create and develop! So far, As of right now, I'm going to be stepping away for a little while so that I can further edit series two. The second series is sort of heavy in terms of lore and history, so it will take a while on my own to make sure that it stays compact and concise. With so many characters entering the fold, it could get a little confusing keeping up with each individual's story development. I am confident that I can still do this on my own, but it will take time. I hop that I do not lose too many viewers during the timeframe, but I will be working on other short stories, and sharing some artwork and bios too.
          Also, I would like to say that I unfortunately won't be able to make illustrations, which is something that I really wanted to include in order to give readers a visual sense of what Faunian culture looks like, but it is quite the task to afford artist with my salary and expenses. I'm sorry, but for now, all I can promise is character bios. If you do not mind quality, I could attempt to draw some of the locations on my own via sketches, but be warned, my artwork is extremely limited to traditional pencil/paper.
          I cannot wait to begin uploading the second series, but until then I will be working hard as I can to make sure it is filled with exciting, dramatic, and impactful scenarios that will have you all coming back for more!
          Thanks again for you time, God bless!
          C. Abraham aka "Ebon"