
Hi there :) Just popped in to say thanks you for finishing  Broken Angel and for the votes :D I really do hope that you enjoyed it xxx


You're most welcomed ;) Thank you for the reply sweetz :) I'm happy to hear that xxx Have an awesome day or night wherever you are :D


It was good.  Very original.  Enjoyed it.  Thanks for writing and sharing such a unique plot. 


Hi there, I see you voting but wanted to check you you are doing? All fine hee, just very hot and humid and mad people shooting others down. Sometimes I get really frustrated at this world. Only the nasty ones seem to win... 
          And sometimes writing fantasy is just not enough. Anyway, hope youare well, take care, Lina


Hi there, oh dear work and kids really don't go well together. That must be so stressy especially at you work so late! Kid on their own are very tiring, to have that on top must be absolutely exhausting. 
            The shootings... I think it is like a fashion. Somebody started it and all these losers go 'Hey, great idea'. We just had another one blowing himself up at a festival. Fortunately he did not get in due to security. 
            Can somebody please re-start 2016 it's turned into a real nightmare. 
            I'm only travelling in October, to Fuerteventura. At the moment it's work, work, work.. .:(((
            You take care 


Hi Lina, doing well just extremely tired.  Started work again as maternity leave with pay is only for a year.  So my schedule is mainly looking after the children during the day and then work from 3-11pm.  Weird summer we are getting on our end we are getting a mix of hot cold cloudy muggy and this is in one day so it's hard to pick what to wear these days crazy eh.   I hear you about all these shootings around the world and don't understand what purpose or message these killers are sending.   Wish it was as easy as reading books to forget it all.  Hope everything is going well with you.  Are you planning more travels?  I think I'm living my life through you since I can't .  Hugs.  Cristina. 


Thanks for your votes on Gods Rising! I hope that means you're enjoying the book!


I'm glad you liked it so much! Hopefully one of these days a publisher finds it as appealing as you do!


@bababoey2u - Truth it was hard to understand in the beginning you know with all the new terms but after it got easier so yes enjoying them.  Sorry if I missed voting on some chapters as I was reading pass midnight and your book is so good I'm now sleep deprived  But it's all because I just couldn't put it down.  Thanks for writing such a wonderful story.  I can't wait to read what happens in the end.