So, I had to sit through forty five minutes of homophobic and transphobic poison today, only an hour after I actually got to school. Honestly, even thinking about it makes me want to throw up. I don't even know if I am anything, on any spectrum. Maybe questioning, I guess? But just sitting there, realizing in person exactly how much hate, disrespect and disregard a person can have, I just... I don't know. I started crying, but I couldn't do anything or object because the administration probably agrees, if less vocally and rudely, with her, and I want to stay in my school. Also, I go to a religious school, so there's that aspect. I really don't want to be kicked out, because I have friends, and it's a good school, all around. None of the other teachers talk like that. It's just her. But we have like, ten classes with her every week. I don't know what to do.