Hey guys.
So.. Um, I'll start off with a very very very very very VERY BIG SORRY.
Forgive me for being missing for the last two months?
It's just that in May and June I had my 8th grade finals. (Yes, I passed, thank you for asking :P)
Then in July I was busy planning for my summer vacation trip. (By the way how are all of your summers going? Tell me, I'd love to know :))
So yes I had like NO time to write.
secondly, I guess I just lost my writing inspiration lately. Specially for Playing cupids. I mean I know what to write, but I don't know how to put it in to words. But recently I've received some very inspiring messages from you guys, and I was touched. I mean, I guess the main reason I wasn't writing was because I thought no one was reading it. Or enjoying it. Just I was wrong.
Like, guys where were you all this time?!!! Lol I kid.
So, thank you all for bringing my inspiration back. I love you all to bits.
And that's why, I'm gonna try to give you guys more frequent chapters. You can expect the next chap by tomorrow (Playing cupids), even though I'm on vacation in Hawaii, right now. (Oh yeah baby, beaches, hot guys and shorts
You guys are SO awesome. Thank you!!!!!
It really means the world to me every single time I see a comment.
Aloha guys! Let me know about your summer. And I'll be posting either today or tomorrow.
AND keeps the comments coming. And the votes.
You have no idea how happy each comment, vote and fan makes me. I swear on curly fries and gummy bears!