
Hey guys, hello! I hope you've all been well. 
          	     So sorry for the sudden inactivity! I have been ridiculously busy with so many things. I do apologise that I just disappeared and didn't notify you all what happened. Don't worry, I've been able to get a few updates ready to make up for the inactivity, and I hope they'll be alright. Thank you for your patience everyone, I'll try to come on everyday as much as I'm able to from now on. 
          	     However, concerning the reason of my absence, for the most part, was that two of my cousins and an aunt have come over from Poland to visit us for "a while" (I don't even know how long they'll be staying). And I've been super busy getting everything 'ready for them' - cleaning the house, helping with shopping and just heaps of chores. The sad thing is, they're both my least favourite cousins, since they're continuously fighting (physically and verbally) with each other and dragging me into it, or getting too violent/competitive in games until it's ridiculous. You get the gist. And to make things worse, they're stuck-up, bad-mannered brats, even though that aunt is actually really nice. They'll snitch that I'm doing some drawing instead of homework, and then get mad that I don't want to play afterwards. Things like that. 
          	     One of them knocked over my pincushion cactus (that I managed to grow to be half a foot tall, mind you), and almost snapped it in half. He's bent the cover of one of my books, snapped a leaf off of my favourite ficus, spammed random letters in my STEM assignment while I was gone, taken my phone multiple times after spying on my password, messed up a pile of my school books because he "was curious", . . . 
          	- Continued in Replies - 


@CrystalwingOC ⟩
          	  goodness, they sound awful! i’m so sorry abt that. it may even be a polish thing, as someone who moved from the uk to poland —
          	  more seriously, i’m so sorry you have to go through any of that, you truly don’t deserve it! you can talk to me anytime, and my discord is @.itstotallynotem <3


@nimbasanerd Aww, thank you very much for the kind words. It's appreciated a lot! <33 


I have just realized the concerning amount of art that you have given me from art trades and commissions. 
          I still want more tbh it’s just SO good.


@Horse_lover_0978 Haha, yeah, true. But I enjoy each one, you always have such interesting and fun requests/characters! 
            Aww thank you so much! <333 That's so nice of you TvT 


Hey guys, hello! I hope you've all been well. 
               So sorry for the sudden inactivity! I have been ridiculously busy with so many things. I do apologise that I just disappeared and didn't notify you all what happened. Don't worry, I've been able to get a few updates ready to make up for the inactivity, and I hope they'll be alright. Thank you for your patience everyone, I'll try to come on everyday as much as I'm able to from now on. 
               However, concerning the reason of my absence, for the most part, was that two of my cousins and an aunt have come over from Poland to visit us for "a while" (I don't even know how long they'll be staying). And I've been super busy getting everything 'ready for them' - cleaning the house, helping with shopping and just heaps of chores. The sad thing is, they're both my least favourite cousins, since they're continuously fighting (physically and verbally) with each other and dragging me into it, or getting too violent/competitive in games until it's ridiculous. You get the gist. And to make things worse, they're stuck-up, bad-mannered brats, even though that aunt is actually really nice. They'll snitch that I'm doing some drawing instead of homework, and then get mad that I don't want to play afterwards. Things like that. 
               One of them knocked over my pincushion cactus (that I managed to grow to be half a foot tall, mind you), and almost snapped it in half. He's bent the cover of one of my books, snapped a leaf off of my favourite ficus, spammed random letters in my STEM assignment while I was gone, taken my phone multiple times after spying on my password, messed up a pile of my school books because he "was curious", . . . 
          - Continued in Replies - 


@CrystalwingOC ⟩
            goodness, they sound awful! i’m so sorry abt that. it may even be a polish thing, as someone who moved from the uk to poland —
            more seriously, i’m so sorry you have to go through any of that, you truly don’t deserve it! you can talk to me anytime, and my discord is @.itstotallynotem <3


@nimbasanerd Aww, thank you very much for the kind words. It's appreciated a lot! <33 


Hey Crystal!
          This is just a reminder for the art contest. Im sending out small reminders to those who haven’t entered their submission yet!
          The due date for entries is August 15th at 11:59pm EST, but extensions are available! If you need one, don’t be afraid to ask!
          - MindlessTyper 


@MindlessTyper Aw, thanks. :] 
            Thank you very much, that's perfect! 


            Hey Crystal, it’s good to hear from you!
            No worries, this summer’s been busy for everyone it seems so don’t fret about it. And of course, I’ll be able to move it back! The farthest I can go back is the 27th.


            Hey Mindless! 
            I am so very sorry for the late reply, I was really busy with a lot of difficult things IRL. 
            I saw that the due date was moved to the 22nd of August, which was a relief. And I was hoping, if it isn't too much of an issue, that you could move it forward a few more days, please? I'm really close to finishing, I've just had very little time to work on it across the board. I know it's cutting it really close, I do apologise. ^^' I don't need much time, just somewhere under a week. 
            Again, my apologies, and thank you very much if you do extend the deadline. Much appreciated! 


Greetings all! QotD and some messages ahead! 
               I hope everyone is having an alright day. How are you guys actually? I do hope you amazing viewers are doing okay and staying safe. Thank you again for all those supportive messages that you all gave me a while back on my half-rant announcement. Have I managed to take you guys' advice? Sadly not. :] But I might include a mini-rant at the end, because maybe it'll help me feel less snappy. 
               Anyway, some fairly good news, update-wise. I've been working hard on those prologue previews for my two major written  works (TES book 1 and The Barremian). And I've also gotten some good progress on a big reference sheet. Surprisingly enough, I'm actually quite proud of it so far! I might show a blurred preview of my progress up to this point, to showcase the rough design and colour palette. 
               Alright, now on with the QotD! 
          Q: What is your dream job? Nice and simple! Perhaps... or not... 
          A: I would love to become a ecologist, or some sort of natural biologist! I have no words to explain it, except I am drawn to nature like a secretary bird is drawn to snakes. 
          Okay, now... hmm. I have tried very hard to put some of my worries into words. It has failed miserably, but I'm still going to persist. Yeah, I'm not going to be ranting her because barely anyone reads these announcements. :\
          Goodbye though, I hope you have a lovely rest of your day/night everyone!! <33 


@CrystalwingOC I hope that with whatever's happen, you end up feeling well soon!
            I would like to become a nurse practitioner focusing on psychiatry. It's a great occupation, because I'd be put on nearly the same levels as doctors (without having to do years of schooling), can open up my own pharmacy which means I'll choose the opening days and hours), and all I have to do is speak to people going through rough patches in their mental state for an hour so I can medicate them! It's perfect for me, considering how I've always wanted to work in the medical field, and being a surgeon would take longer than I'm willing to spend


@CrystalwingOC I hope you feel better soon!
            I want to be either and animal behaviorist, or a conservationist, or some sort of natural scientist. Mainly an animal behaviorist, since quite a few animals in shelters are put there because of behavioral problems, which are (most of the time) completely fixable!


@CrystalwingOC I hope you feel bette soon! <333
            Besides being a wife, mother, and homemaker, I want to be an artist, author, beekeeper, and falconer. ^^


Hello all! Here's a bit of Whyvarian 'lore', because I feel like sharing a bit. I you liked this and want to see more, comment a ✨! 
          Thanks and I hope you accept this quick update. :] 
          "Cie'alto" - sweet or savoury pastries made from dough boiled in water or fried in butter and oil. They can contain a variety of fillings, such as minced meat, potatoes, fish, leafy vegetables or roots. Alternatively, if a dessert is preferred, then they can be stuffed with fillings like sweet cheese, crushed fruit, honey, jams, melted chocolate, and the like. However, the most iconic feature of Cie'alto dishes, is how many have perfected the art of styling the dough into amazing, unique and complex shapes. Experienced cooks can turn pieces of dough into extraordinary forms, including the likes of detailed flowers, fish, shells, birds, and a humongous variety of other animals and objects. Many have been able to turn making Cie'altos into full-blown freelancing professions, due to the talent and imagination that must be possessed to make them. Literally translated, Cie'alto means 'dough art' in Drakion, a most fitting name for this famous dish. These had originated back within the Amephyst Kingdom (as many well-known dishes have), from peasant families trying to make do with only flour and water for special occasions. In fact, only those two ingredients are needed to make a plain Cie'alto, which makes this dish cover one of the widest spectrums of simplicity to difficulty. Though the recipes itself does not seem difficult, great experience and focus has be implemented to make the dough form properly, taste decently and look good. Even the slightest slip up can cast a whole batch of dough to waste. 


@CrystalwingOC I’d like to make that dish myself! Maybe I’ll try…


@stxrmyy- HAHAha! I also just realised, that you don't know if I meant dying from hunger or the cie'altos. What fun! >:D 
            Remember what Fennec was fighting for...? 
            Alright, that's all I'm going to say lol. No more spoilers, no sir-ee! 


Greetings! I bring fairly good news and bad news, along with a quick QotD! 
               Bad news first, sorry! After my gifted core on DeviantArt ran out, it started glitching out very badly, so now I can't upload anything on DA. If anyone has an account and wouldn't mind doing a core trade to see if that fixes the problem, I would appreciate it a lot! <3 And even more bad news. My art book has also glitched out. I use mostly the mobile app for both, uploading on Wattpad and drawing on ibisPaint X. But now, Wattpad keeps crashing on my mobile app whenever I open my art book, so I can't update anything without going through a long, arduous process. 
               Anyway, my apologies for that - on with the good news now, and quickly. As viewers of my art book should know, I've been busy making bookmarks for my school club to sell at the Summer Fete. However, they took me way less time to complete than I thought they would. So, I will have probably finished all 12-16 designs by the end if tomorrow. After that, I can return to normal art. 
               With that out of the way, here's a very speedy QotD! 
          Q: If you were to turn into a tree, what kind of tree would you want to become? 
          A: I would love to be some sort of birch or willow, perhaps an acacia or poinsiana. But being a yew or blackthorn would be cool as well. I won't bore you with explanations, but feel free to share yours. :] 
          Goodbye everyone, and hVd a lovely rest of your day/night. ♥️


@Benjibud What nice picks! And some very interesting reasoning. Thanks for sharing! 


@CrystalwingOC Hm….an Oak tree, an Aspen, an apple tree, a Sugar Maple, or a gympie gympie. The first four  are native to where I live, and the last one is a very dangerous tree in Australia. It’s sort of a tree, sort of a bush, and has really painful spikes. I think it’d be kind of fun, since no one would dare cut me down?


Hey everyone! 
          Important announcement! Please read if you have a moment :] 
          1 - If I owe you any art, please let me know! By that, I mean if I need to submit payment for adopts, commissions, long-past due art trades, etc - any art that I 'owe' you in return of something. I'm trying to make myself a list of all the art I need to do for others and all the art I said I'd make for viewers in general. It's mainly so that I know when I can relax and do whatever art I want in my free time, but also so that I'm more organised! 
          Thank you all for helping! Have a lovely day or night everyone! <3 
          2 - Also, some good news for The Eternal Spark and Whyvaria!! Within the weekend alone, I've designed over 100 characters with names and basic appearances, but I'm still nowhere near done to my goal. So, if you have any names or interesting designs or characters you want to donate to Whyvaria, it will be so appreciated! And if you want to see some previews of characters, feel free to reply with a number between 1 and 100! I've also been working on organising "The Whyvarian Bestiary" for a follower special in the future. In my drafts section, it currently has 105 parts. They're uncompleted, very empty most of them, but that gives you all a preview of what's to come to TES in terms of original animal and plant species. >:3 
          (I've done this a few times, so here it is again! If you're read this far, put a ✨ (sparkle) emoji in your comment, so that I know you've seen the whole announcement! It shows to me that some viewers are engaged and interested in my works. So, I thank you very much for that. <333) 


@CrystalwingOC Woah that's a lot of characters- 


@BlackberryCider I'm very happy you are!! <33 
            Ooo, lovely choice! Number 36's name is Beloperone and she's one of the characters I think I will genuinely like to design/draw as an Amburn. 


@stxrmyy- Thank you, I'm glad! :DD 
            Nice choice! (I'll give you a 'sneak peek' - number 27's name is Echis of the Amburns. ^^) 