somebody looks like they’re brooding.
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/ come MARVEL at this mans fc : https://pin.it/23vPq0l https://pin.it/5ZYrWD0 https://pin.it/yDo64pZ https://pin.it/4XFDRzh
somebody looks like they’re brooding.
despite how you feel, you still need to take care of yourself.
you've⠀ got ⠀a ⠀real ⠀fat ⠀dick⠀ print ⠀right ⠀there⠀ .
i'm ⠀confident⠀ because⠀ i ⠀know⠀ what⠀ i⠀ have ⠀,⠀ and⠀ i⠀ know⠀ that⠀ you're⠀ interested⠀ in⠀ what⠀ i ⠀have ⠀.⠀ :)
@ITBRATZ you’re so / confident / . whoever said i was interested enough in you to want a quickie ?
how⠀ sweet . ⠀* he ⠀rolls ⠀his⠀ eyes⠀ in⠀ a⠀ little ⠀scoff⠀ of⠀ sorts ⠀,⠀ squishing⠀ a ⠀pale ⠀cheek⠀ against ⠀the⠀ hand ⠀his⠀ head ⠀now ⠀rests ⠀on . * ⠀but ⠀seriously ⠀,⠀ we ⠀can ⠀have ⠀a⠀ quickie ⠀in⠀ the⠀ bathroom⠀ or⠀ whatever ⠀.
i don’t get visitors too often. who are you?
/ come MARVEL at this mans fc : https://pin.it/23vPq0l https://pin.it/5ZYrWD0 https://pin.it/yDo64pZ https://pin.it/4XFDRzh
/ meet OYVIND RUKSBERG , a supernatural hunter born back in 1502 — a dumb fucker who originated from greece , who sold his soul to the devil to get revenge on someone who HURT HIM . only , the deal wasn’t all he expected it to be and with blood on his hands , he sold his ability to die in 1522 . years passed and out of pure spite towards the contract he made , oyvind began to hunt down the damned souls — demons who walked this earth . turns out he’s pretty good at that and the longer he went at it , the more creatures he learnt how to hunt . now he’s a RENOWNED supernatural hunter with more identities than anyone should ever possess and a few dirty little secrets locked away .
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