
I lived.


Ik no one really reads this but lately I’ve been struggling terribly w my mental health, the worst it’s ever gotten, and genuinely am considering comm!t!ting. 
          I started year 11 on Wednesday and already I’ve had 4 panic attacks, 1 of them being in school. I can’t take this pressure and if I don’t find a better solution that’ll be it for me I guess. None of the people in school really care unless it’s them who have to clean up your body. 
          So yeah, I guess a difficult announcement today and I’m sorry to depress anyone who can be assed to read this pathetic note.
          I’m tired, and the Wattpad community has always been able to help before so ig that’s why I’m posting this.


It’s my birthday in 2 days >:) I’m gonna be an old motherfucker


@DNFsupporter1 happy early birthday then :) from the Lucifer family and gang crazy members 


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Been off for 2 months due to my life going a bit crazy, my mental health is so fucking shit. I feel trapped inside my own home, my parents hate me rn for smth that wasn’t my fault (genuinely it was my dads, I got blamed out of the blue) and I’m slowly going insane, I hope everyone else is okay though :)


Was hospitalised on Wednesday. Was minutes away from cardiac arrest for 6 hours straight. Ik most ppl don’t read this but this is why I’ve been off since then.


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Hi! Haven’t logged on for a while, been so fucking busy, recovery is fucking bumpy af, aswell as my heart getting fucking broken into pieces by myself to protect my partner, so now a single Pringle again :( Glad someone acc cares, so thank you, these messages made my day today :)


Hey! I’ve thought about you off and on and just figured I’d check in… I hope you are doing well! 


@DNFsupporter1 I’m so sorry about your hospitalization and I really really hope you’re doing better or at least well on your way to doing better!! This is the first time ive been on wattpad in several weeks and I’m so glad I checked in and saw your message :)


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Hey y’all I haven’t been on here for a month and a half because life has been shit lately :D ready to be thrown back into the weird comments, the wholesome comments, the offensive comments, the horny af comments and more importantly, the on drugs comments  see ya round folks