Holy cow it has been a hot minute since I last posted an update but here we are. As of now, I have sooooo many unfinished stories dating all the way back to 2019 lol. I have finally posted the last parts to my most recent short story “Vengeance Is Mine” and will be working on all the unfinished stories I have and get them posted so you guys have more content from me lol. In perspective, I have 15 unfinished stories I’m working on. With every idea I come up with,I just add it to my drafts. All fanfics are posted on AO3. All my Sally Face Fanfics as well as my most recent fanfic “The Curse of Fazbear” which is a crossover of Ju-on: The Grudge and Fnaf. As funny as it sounds, it was an idea that came to me one night while I was stoned lol don’t judge me. If you guys have any suggestions or ideas, comment and I will see about putting your ideas into my work. Cheers!