
Hello guys !!
          	So my sweetu friend has finally made her debut on wattpad and trust me she is an amazing writer. Plus it’s an AkTk ff and she has a lot in store for ahead too !! 
          	What are you all waiting for go follow her and add her books in ur library cause I m sure you don’t wanna miss this beautiful stories !! 
          	Her I’d : @aktk_fanfic !!
          	Love ❤️ 


@Damnfam_lou ahh!!! I loveeee uuu so muchh!! <3


@Damnfam_lou Always ready to read AkTk ff❤


Hello guys !!
          So my sweetu friend has finally made her debut on wattpad and trust me she is an amazing writer. Plus it’s an AkTk ff and she has a lot in store for ahead too !! 
          What are you all waiting for go follow her and add her books in ur library cause I m sure you don’t wanna miss this beautiful stories !! 
          Her I’d : @aktk_fanfic !!
          Love ❤️ 


@Damnfam_lou ahh!!! I loveeee uuu so muchh!! <3


@Damnfam_lou Always ready to read AkTk ff❤


Hey guys !!
          I have chapters ready so will almost post 2-3 chapters today !!! Yes, you read it right. All you need to do is complete the target !! Pls do give honest reviews.


@Damnfam_lou Yay,Excited!!✨


@Damnfam_lou wowie!! Best day❤️



          I know I have never been proper with my updates and trust me I suck at being regular. Yes, So here came just to inform you or should I say put my heart out here !!! Lately, I have been really sick It was before SHAYRANA ISHQ and after that I just completed it, I resumed back to school and found a lot of workload, lost a lot of studies and to cover it up I needed time. I also started with my institute and then it was very hectic for me. Some of the close ones knows. I have my exams going on in institute and it will also start in school. As of now this whole month is very hectic and important for me. I have my boards this year and even if it wasn't,I can never put my studies at stake and that's why I just am going on a long break I don't know if I will be back or not !! All I know is that I will try !! 
          Lots of love to you guys !!! I love you all & thanks for being so patient with me. I pray that all of you are physically and mentally well. Lots of love XOXO. 
          Also, Unnav is official, Okay my heart is still not able to digest this fact !! I am really happy with how they announced it simple and cutest. Damnfam is my Jaan !! And the reason I am happily living today. Love them beyond words.
          Remember, JOY COMES TO US IN ORDINARY MOMENTS !!! And we should not forget to appreciate and live in that moments. We all might be going through though times but I want you all to remember that !!
          If you only carry one thing throughout your entire life, let it be hope. Let it be hope that better things are always ahead. Let it be hope that you can get through even the toughest of times. Let it be hope that you are stronger than any challenge that comes your way. Let it be hope that you are exactly where you are meant to be right now, and that you are on the path to where you are meant to be... Because during these times, hope will be the very thing that carries you through. 
          ~ Nikki Banas
          Sorry ♾✨