
Happy new year from Italy!!!!!!


New chapter for Lost in Klyrics is out!
          Remember to check for Gabrus00 chapter for another song and tell him that he's a selfish babo. :P
          Happy Rainbow~
          Un nuovo capitolo è uscito per Lost in Klyrics!
          Ricordate di controllare il capitolo di Gabrus00 per un'altra canzone e ditegli che è un babo egoista. :P
          Happy Rainbow~


Hello :D :D thanks for the follow and I really appreciate it :D :D :D :D
          By the way, please check out my story entitled: The Renegade Chronicles :D :D :D
          I hope that you're going to like it :D
          Thank you very much :D


Thank you too for following me! :3
            I read the first chapter of your story and I reaaaaally liked it!!! :D


Ho appena pubblicato la mia prima storia! \(>♢<)/ yeeeeeeeee
          Spero che piaccia! *^*
          Se riesco, voglio provare a tradurla in inglese per mettermi alla prova! Fighting!
          I just posted my first story!
          \(>♢<)/ yayyyyyyyy
          I hope it's fine! *^*
          If I can, i want to try to translate it in english for a competition with myself! Fighting!