
New chapter for Dr. Nerd has just been posted!


This STGRB stuff is ridiculous. They talk about inflated egos and bullying; yet when I read their stuff, I feel like I'm listening to a bully turning the masses against a select few. Safe to say I wont be buying anymore Anne Rice books. The ones I do have are going in the trash tomorrow. I really thought she was better than all that - I guess not. It sort of tugs at my heart strings. I really looked up to her....
          In other news:
          Another Dr. Nerd update is on the way, and hopefully a Way of Night update will follow shortly after (I make no promises!). My birthday is coming up, so to avoid getting all depressed I'm going to try and throw myself into writing.
          Also - No, I don't plan on taking time to make any trailers. I get a lot of messages about it, and I'm flattered. :) But honestly, they take a lot of work. Not to mention I'm stuck using a friend's laptop because mine died (RIP), so I don't even have all the software I need. I'll let you all know if/when I'll be able to start making them again.
          In other, other news:
          I'm pretty sure Facebook is ushering in the Zombie Apocalypse. Very worrisome indeed. Just saying!