Hello there, I was wondering if you could spare time out of your day to ready some of my poems? If you do decide to read it don't be afraid to tell me what you'd change. Thank you very much! I hope you have a great day, evening or night.

Sorry this is so late! I haven't been able to come on recently. I read a few of your poems, skipping around your collection. From what I read you definitely have talent and you have a message, you just need to work on the delivery. Your writing is very good and I'm impressed-my only advice would be to maybe try writing some poems that flow a bit differently? Not all poems need to rhyme, however the rhythm/beat of a poem is very important. For instance you can change the spacing to slow down the poem or add in alliteration to speed it up. I'm not sure if this is making sense so I'm sorry about that. Um, I suppose a good way to tell if the flow is right is to read the poem out loud. Read it at whatever speed you feel it needs and adjusts the spacing accordingly. Once again sorry if this doesn't help (I'm not very good at giving advice). All in all though your poems are very good and well thought out. I enjoyed reading them!